How to assign wifi passcode to ESP32/8266 chips

Sumerizing: The ways and implementations for assigning wifi passcode to ESP32/ESP8266 MCU Assigning WiFi pass code to ESP chip is ubiqutous. To summerize, we can do it with ways listed below: AP mode: A web running on chip, Chip working as Station mode. Bluethooth. (ESP8266 has no bluetooth moduel.) ESP Touch App with ESP smartConfig© solution. (5G Hz is not supported.) others, such as AP-STA link by routers, AP by cellphone, wifi manag-frame broadcasting. Comparations with methods above: Tech Methods UserConfident SuccessRate Popularity softAP Mode middle High High SmartConfig High Low High Bluetooth High High middle (esp8266 has no BLE) Ps: ESP32:Update Wi-Fi Credentials Using Bluetooth Application, link



稚晖君软硬件环境配置整理 宝藏up主,稚晖君。很厉害。真全栈,从产品到机械到电路到软件,这就是那种真的聪明,一学就会的。 做的东西也是功能颜值双在线,审美还是很棒的,剪的视频也很棒。 先把他软件篇和硬件篇的视频总结一下,备用。 1. 软件环境 总结来自稚晖君软件篇视频. 项目 XMind ZEN : 思维导图 Typora : markdown 有道云笔记:同步,私有云图床 电路 AD:主要设计工具 Eagle:转换一些开源的eagle格式PCB文档 fritzing:EDA软件,也可以用作矢量风格说明软件 机械 Rhinocores:参数化建模,不适合不规则曲面 Fusion360:全能 Cinema4D KeyShot:仿真 inkScape:矢量图轨迹 ArtCAM:生成雕刻机的刀路文件 软件 Visual Studio Android Studio:手机APP开发 Jetbrain全家桶 pycharm:python Rider:C#开发 Clion:C & C++ Unity:3D仿真 Keil CubeMX Arduino KendryteIDE:K210 Processing:数字多媒体艺术 matlab:建模仿真 其他 XShell & Xftp 串口调试助手 & 网络调试助手 Cmake GitGUI CoolFormat:代码格式 IDA:反编译 wireshark:网络抓包 SerialChart:串口绘图 Netron:图形化查看神经网络模型 beyond Compare:代码比对 2. 硬件环境 总结来自稚晖君的硬件篇视频 电脑桌:转角桌(右边电脑区+左边电工区) 电脑区 iQniX红轴机械键盘 Xbox one 个人服务器 电工区 防割板 热风枪 控温电烙铁 焊接辅助:飞线,锡球,焊锡膏,铁丝球,助焊剂,洗板水…… 数控电源 元器件盒: 装主控 电阻电容样品本 示波器:袖珍 20Mhz 书籍


How to find the innovative ideas for a new paper

Let me share some thoughts bout creating academic research paper. How to find the innovative ideas for a new paper A new idea is believed by the newbee PhD student a precious seed for his/her paper. And the papers are believed as their lifesaver for their tough days. Solution: a. adjust the mindset. A book named as ‘phD grind’ written by Philip Guo may helps. b. In your research area, hack up a classical work, a hot research work, a gorgeous work or a work you just want to hack up.


How to use LittleFS on ESP32 with PlatformIO

How to use LittleFS on ESP32 with vsCode+platfromIO As a suplement of this tutorial How to use LittleFS on ESP8266 I follows some reference and examples to build this blog. Get to konw some basic introductions about SPIFFS and LittleFS on ESP8266 and ESP32 is necessary for a noob. Note: Most of the functions for SPIFFS operations are compatible for LittleFS. follow the tutorials one by one: - SPIFFS for ESP8266 - SPIFFS for ESP32 - LittleFS for ESP8266 - LittleFS for ESP32 LittleFS is newly introduced into ESP32 SDK (Aug 2021) .


Install and Configure Fail2Ban On CentOS 7

Install Fail2Ban On CentOS 7 Posted on December 13, 2019 by David Singer What Is Fail2Ban? Fail2ban is an open-source software that actively scans the servers log files in real-time for any brute force login attempts, and if found, summarily blocks the attack using the servers firewall software (firewalld or iptables). Fail2Ban runs as a background process and continuously scans the log files for unusual login patterns and security breach attempts. Installation In order to install Fail2Ban on CentOS 7, we first need to enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository.


Fixing certbot does not know where nginx is located in your server

Fixing certbot does not know where nginx is located in your server If your certbot cannot auto configure ssl for your host: The cause of this problem Mine is because the installation path of nginx is not the default one, such as /etc/nginx or /usr/bin/nginx When Certbot is unable to automatically configure your web: Follow the GPT’s answer: ME: Certbot doesn't know how to automatically configure the web server on this system. GPT: If Certbot is unable to automatically configure your web server, it usually means that it couldn't identify the web server software and configuration on your system.


[ESP32]import esp-idf components

import esp-idf components: import the components is easy: git clone , mkdir <proj_dir>/components, and copy into <proj_dir>/components The git repos and commands that I used for this testing: git clone I2Cbus git clone MPUdriver mkdir -p <proj_path>/components mv I2Cbus <proj_path>/components mv MPUdriver <proj_path>/components for more, refer: Do sdkconfig for the right chip and protocal for the imported component if the hello_world_main.c is renamed, rename it in <proj_dir>/main/CMakeLists.txt


How to extend the Ubuntu guest OS's hard disk for VirtualBox on Mac

How to extend the Ubuntu guest OS’s hard disk for VirtualBox on Mac Steps: resize the VDI file on Mac OS: How to Resize a VirtualBox VDI or VHD File on Mac OS X boot the Ubuntu with the image(ISO) and Gparted(resize the partition). Note: firstly resize the extension partition (/dev/sda2), then resize the partition (/dev/sda5) Ubuntu VM in VirtualBox: How to increase the size of a disk and make small(er) exports for distribution reboot the ubuntu with local vdi file and check the result.


[ESP32_lvgl] From demo to own UI component with lvgl on ESP32

[ESP32_lvgl] From demo to own UI component with lvgl on ESP32 This is the FIRST blog for denoting my learning process of lvgl on platform of ESP-IDF for chip ESP32. After a lot of experinment, I gues ESP-IDF should be the best sdk that suit for ESP32 lvgl development. Rather than the toy – micropython. 1. Motivation and value of this post After configuring the ESP32 LVGL development environment, developer will try to run demo on the development board. But for beginners, from running demo to developing the specific project, they may meet some little but not-easy-to-solve difficalties.


[ESP32_lvgl]Use LVGL with Micropython for ESP32 devBoard

[ESP32_lvgl]Use LVGL with Micropython for ESP32 devBoard Table of contents: [TOC] Table of contents: 1 Some basic concepts 2 The one: lv_micropython 3 Quick use of lv_micropython 3.1 Build micropython for Linux port (optional for newbie): 3.2 Building lv_micropython micropython fork for ESP32 port: [3.2.1 install the ESP-IDF sdk](#321-install-the-esp-idf-sdk) [Get ESP-IDF v4.2](#get-esp-idf-v42) [Set up the environment variables](#set-up-the-environment-variables) [3.2.2 Build the `lv_micropython` firmware](#322-build-the-lvmicropython-firmware) [3.2.3 Flashing the `lv_micropython` firmware](#323-flashing-the-lvmicropython-firmware) [3.2.4 Getting a Python prompt on the device](#324-getting-a-python-prompt-on-the-device) 4 Confiture wifi and use the board Reference and read more