在Fedora14中安装 Virtual Box Guest Additions

在Fedora14中安装 Virtual Box Guest Additions

在Fedora14中安装 Virtual Box Guest Additions



    楼主遇到的问题,yum 相关指令出现错误:Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository fedora. Please verify …


    以下是如何安装vBox(virtual Box) Guest Additions 在Fedora14下的例程:

Build / Install VirtualBox (vbox) Guest Additions in Fedora 14

  • Wednesday, November 17, 2010,

Installing the guest additions for Linux guests can be a hassle for VirtualBox. The steps involved for Fedora 14 Laughlin is as follows (this installation used Fedora 14 Live CD and VirtualBox 3.2.10)

  1. Install kernel headers for the kernel you are running with, as a super user (root) do the following
`yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)`
  1. Install the dependencies and gcc-compiler
yum -y install dkms gcc
  1. Find the kernel version that you are running by
uname -r

Use the output you get to set the kernel path variable

export KERN_DIR=/usr/src/kernels/output_from_above/

Now run the installer (still continuing to be super user) based on the version of your Linux guest (32 or 64 bit) and the guest additions should install just fine.

cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_3.2.6_63112

安装完成以后可以使用共享文件夹share folder with host windows PC:

Ubuntu VirtualBox中实现文件夹共享http://blog.csdn.net/wyzxk888/article/details/5961099

##### 2. 设置共享文件夹


  3. 挂载共享文件夹


  sudo mkdir /mnt/myshared
  sudo mount -t vboxsf DevelopTools /mnt/myshared




DevelopTools /mnt/myshared vboxsf rw,gid=100,uid=1000,auto 0 0

  (注意:因为fstab是只读文件,所以可以采用  cd /etc  sudo vi fstab  来编辑添加这命令  )  这样就能够自动挂载了。  4. 卸载的话使用下面的命令:  sudo umount -f /mnt/myshared  注意:  共享文件夹的名称千万不要和挂载点的名称相同。比如,上面的挂载点是/mnt/myshared,如果共享文件夹的名字也是myshared的话,在挂载的时候就会出现如下的错误信息(看<http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/2265>):  /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error二、主机为Linux时:1.在VirtualBox中设备--分配数据空间--添加2.然后起个名字(myyshare),选择linux上的路径3. 设置刚才设置好的共享文件夹,即,在虚拟机中的网络上右键,选择映射网络驱动器 注意,文件夹位置不要选择-浏览,手动写好路径重要重要!\\vboxsvr\共享目录名                例如:\\vboxsvr\myyshare
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