ROS进阶学习手记 2 -- RViz工具的学习1

ROS进阶学习手记 2 – RViz工具的学习1

ROS中提供了很多强大的功能,我们学习完前面的基本知识之后要继续进行深入。除了RviZ,还有一种叫 Stage simulator 也能模拟机器人motion






2. 开始RViz的学习


   3. RViz的安装和运行


  1. Troubleshooting
  2. Install or build rviz
    1. Install from debian repository
    2. Build from source
  3. Startup
  4. Displays
    1. Adding a new display
    2. Display Properties
    3. Display Status
    4. Moving Displays
    5. Built-in Display Types
  5. Configurations
    1. 0.4 and above
    2. 0.3 and below
  6. Views Panel
    1. The different camera types
      1. Orbital Camera (default)
      2. FPS (first-person) Camera
      3. Top-down Orthographic
  7. Coordinate Frames
    1. The Fixed Frame
    2. The Target Frame
  8. Tools
    1. Move Camera (Keyboard shortcut: m)
    2. Select (Keyboard shortcut: s)
    3. 2D Nav Goal (Keyboard shortcut: g)
    4. 2D Pose Estimate (Keyboard shortcut: p)
  9. Time
  10. Stereo
  11. Plugins


If you’re running into problems and have not seen theanswer below, try theTroubleshooting Page

Install or build rviz

Obviously you don’t need both and should prefer theinstall:

Install from debian repository

Until fuerte:

sudo apt-get installros-fuerte-visualization

From groovy on:

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-rviz


sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rviz


sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rviz

Build from source

Download the rviz sources into your ros_workspace oryour overlay (help for fuerte,help for groovy).

First satisfy any system dependencies.

rosdep install rviz

Now build the visualizer:

rosmake rviz


You might have to run a line such as

source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash

roscore &

Then start the visualizer:

rosrun rviz rviz

When rviz starts for the first time, you will see anempty window:

The big black thing is the 3D view (empty becausethere is nothing to see). On the left is the Displays list, which will show anydisplays you have loaded. Right now it just contains the global options and thetime view, which I’ll get to later. On the right are some of the other panels,described below.


A display is something that draws something in the 3Dworld, and likely has some options available in the displays list. An exampleis a point cloud, the robot state, etc.

Adding a new display

To add a display, click the Add button at the bottom:

This will pop up the new display dialog:


这次主要用UserGuide这个资料介绍了Rviz这个simulator的UI界面分布,包括Display, View, Tool, Time,还有中间最大区域的3D显示引擎。

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