delete content on the right of cursor, Mac

Forward delete content on the right of cursor, Mac

It’s not convenient to press Fn+delete to delete content on the right of cursor, on Macintosh. They’re too faraway.

Forward Deleting

For instance: For test: ab|cd, the cursor is between b and c, deleteForward makes the text ab|cd into ab|d .

Use Mastero Keyboard tool:

Adding the Macro for DeleteForward


For adding the action, select ‘KeyStroke’: image-20220519175936884

Another method using Karabiner tool (not tested)

Use Karabiner to remap RightShift+delete to Fn+delete so that we can only one right hand to implement that deleting backward.

Edit the json ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json

ReInstall this app to make it take effect. Sounds strange but i didn’t find approprate way to take it effect.

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