How to install Tensorflow GPU with CUDA 10.1 for python on Windows
在cuda 10.0的windows上安装Tensorflow GPU, python
ref: But the above link is too complicated and the success is not garanteed.
Before start, Notations neet to know:
20190825: Note the cuda10.1 is NOT supported by pyTorch by now. Want pyTorch? recommend: cuda10.0
Install Tensorflow GPU with CUDA 10.1 for python on Windows
Tasks (四位爷):
- Install visual studio
- Install Cuda (i.e., Cuda ToolKit)
- Install cuDNN
- Install tensorflow
那么问题是,这四位爷的版本得对上。 所以就有人做了这个东西: 里面详细列出来每个安装包对应的四位爷的版本。follow this link to strictly keep the fix of versions.
For example: 1.14.0\py37\GPU\cuda101cudnn76avx2 VS2019 16.1 10.1.168_425.25/ AVX2 Python 3.7/Compute 3.0,3.5,5.0,5.2,6.1,7.0,7.5
- 第一列: the path of whl install package file, in this github repository.
- 第二列: Version of Compiler you need
- 第三列: CUDA=10.1.168_425.25, cuDNN=
- 第四列: SIMD,即你的CPU支持的指令集是否支持AVX2. The tool
can tell you. get to know it by google. - 第五列: python版本,your GPU compute capabilities。ref:
- 装 visual studio
- 装 Cuda
- 装 cuDNN
- 装 tensorflow
第一位爷,装 visual studio:上microsoft visual studio去下载安装vs 2019, 需了解tf是c++写的。下载其他版本
第二位爷,装 Cuda 10.1, 上nvidia去下载安装即可。(20190825: 注意cuda10.1 暂时不被pyTorch支持,如果有pyTorch需求的,建议cuda10.0)
Check the version number in the CMD terminal after installing:nvcc --version
You will see something like this:
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2019 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Wed_Apr_24_19:11:20_Pacific_Daylight_Time_2019 Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.168
第三位爷,装cuDNN, Goto (Membership required) After login Download the following: cuDNN v7.6.0.64 Library for Windows [your version] for me Windows 10 Goto downloaded folder and extract Go inside extracted folder and copy all files and folder from cuda folder (Bin, include, lib) and paste them to “C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1”. 对应的文件放在对应的所在文件夹中。 参考:
第四位爷:装tensorflow-gpu 建立一个virtual environment with python=3.7 用conda。指定env的名字py3env-gpu, python版本=3.7, 顺带装上包:pip six numpy wheel mock 等。cmd中运行:
conda create -n py3env-gpu python=3.7 pip six numpy wheel mock
参考上述‘第一列: 在github这个项目里,whl安装包的路径’ Download tensorflow-gpu的whl file,from this github:
激活刚创建的conda_virtual_env: activate py3env-gpu
cmd里cd到001-002的分卷解压路径,用pip install tensorflow_gpu-1.14.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
附:pyTorch install on Win10 x64 with GPU
目的是要在一个conda_env里既有tensorFlow 也有pyTorch,这样对于tf的代码和pytorch写的DNN代码都能运行在GPU上了。
- Visual Studio 2017 (e.g. mu_visual_studio_community_2017_x86_x64_10049782.exe)
- Cuda 10.0 (cuda_10.0.130_411.31_win10.exe)
- cuDNN (cudnn-10.0-windows10-x64-v7.3.1.20)
- tf (tensorflow_gpu-1.12.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl from this link)
- pyTorch (ref official cite, use command:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
1.12.0\py36\GPU\cuda100cudnn73avx2 VS2017 15.8 10.0.130_411.31/ AVX2 Python 3.6/Compute 3.0,3.5,5.0,5.2,6.1,7.0,7.5
第一位: Visual Studio 2017
第二位: CUDA 10.0.130
从CUDA10.1 downgrade注意卸载CUDA相关的版本号为10.1的条目,并卸载NSight相关的,比如NSight for visual studio 2019. 再装即可。
第三位: cuDNN 10.0 - v7.3.1.20
github那里去下载whl文件,注意版本对应,此处用的python 3.6的
建virtual_env: conda create -n py36env-gpu python=3.6 pip six numpy wheel mock gensim
activate 这个新建的virtual env
cd 到 whl文件的目录
pip install xxx.whl 进行安装。
Follow official site: [official cite](
Some discussions:
Can one cmd solve all problems? link
once you have Anaconda installed, you simply need to create a new environment where you want to install keras-gpu and execute the command:
conda install -c anaconda keras-gpu
This will install Keras along with both tensorflow and tensorflow-gpu libraries as the backend. (There is also no need to install separately the CUDA runtime and cudnn libraries as they are also included in the package - tested on Windows 10 and working. Ensure your TensorFlow/Keras environment is using Python 3.6.)
If you’re interested in this, have a try.
- 要安装的是keras-GPU
- 在anaconda navigator右侧选择搜索tensorflow
- 在anaconda中安装tensorflow的好处就是他会自动的帮你自动安装好CUDA和CUDAnn。具体如下:
- 安装: tensorflow-gpu
- 然后安装:Keras-GPU。
- 如果顺利的话。
- 如果你使用了最新版本的Anaconda,在安装tensorflow的时候,anaconda会帮我们把python版本回退到3.6.
- 检查一下你的cuda版本。在andaconda软件中,所示cuda。查看cudatoolkit的版本。最好把你的cudatoolkit的版本保持和你的显卡cuda版本一致,或者比cuda低一个版本。
- 我的cudatoolkit是9.0的版本,我的cuda版本是10.0,使用cudatoolkit9.0还是可以的。