Implementing comment for jekyll blog with github pull request

利用pull request实现 jekyll 博客评论功能

Implementing comment for jekyll blog with github pull request

1. The refered blogs:

The github repos that needed:

2. Steps and notes for jekyll comment box building

The idea is use data files in Jekyll to store comments and some liquid templates to render them. That all can be static.

Azure Function or AWS Lambda combined with the GitHub API. Receive a comment form submission and create the appropriate data file in your Jekyll repository.

Damien Guard wrote an Azure function that calls the GitHub API using (Install-Package octokit when using NuGet) to create a Pull Request that contains a data file with the content info rendered as yaml.

Following the instructions in: to set up.

ref: Damien’s blog about this topic:

1. create test data and attempt rendering: 
   create three htmls in /_includes: comment.html, new-comment.html, comments.html
 - Render an individual comment (comment.html)
 - Show a form to accept a new comment (new-comment.html)
 - Loop over individual comments for a post (comments.html)
2. modify the blog post template file: _layouts/post.html
 - add 'include comments.html' after line of `page.content`
 @@: should add 'include item.html' before line of `page.content`, but the item.html is not offered by jekyll-blog-comments repo. And jekyll report file not exist error. `jekyll clean` to clear the built proj.
3. add the following line to _config.yml:
   - add `emptyArray: [] `
4. add /comments folder under jekylls /_data folder

store each comment in a file named _data/{blog_post_slug}/{comment_id}.yml with this format:

blog_post_slug 可以在frontMatter里指定:slug: yourSlug 或者参考_includes/comments.html 第一行:

{%raw%}{% capture default_slug %}{{ page.slug | default: (page.title | slugify) }}{% endcapture %}{%endraw%}

其中,page.title 被认为是默认的slug.

id: 12345
name: Damien Guard
gravatar: dc72963e7279d34c85ed4c0b731ce5a9
date: 2007-12-18 18:51:55
message: "This is a great solution for 'dynamic' comments on a static blog!"

Accepting new comments with an Azure function

需要安装jekyll-blog-comments-azure, 先fork, 再:


Create Azure Account, and create aZure function

fork the github repo:

  1. Create a v1 Azure Function

    change the runtime through the Configuration screen of the Function App by changing the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION key to ~1.


  2. Set up your function to deploy from your fork

    deploy jekyll-blog-comments:

    deploy with the CLI code, configure before running as a executable .sh file.

  3. Set up the following App Settings for your Azure Function

    You also need to set-up two Application Settings for your function so it can create the necessary pull requests. They are:

    • GitHubToken should be a personal access token with repo rights

    • PullRequestRepository should contain the org and repo name, e.g. damieng/my-blog

      Note: it should just be in the format org/repo, e.g. in your case urname/

  4. I meet the handle forms for '$'. error from *

    <Message>This Jekyll comments receiever does not handle forms for '$'. You should point to your own instance.</Message>

    in _config.yml I missed the url: “<host url of your blog>”

    another issue I met is solved in


Note: After you successfully deploied this comment function, you will need to pull&merge the remote git repo before push local modifications of posts, since the /_data folder is changed by pull request created by the jekyll-blog-comments Azure Function.


  1. Check and debug by using the background AzureFunction LogStream.

  2. for preventing jekyll compile raw code of Liquid templating language.


  3. if you want to prevent the displaying its link in index, under default theme, you can modify the /includes/header.html. Add the {% unless my_page.exclude %} and {% endunless %} surrounding the <a> tag that generates the links of thank page. Then, add exclude: true in the frontmatter of markdown page/code. Reference: this link

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