


Ethernet/IP 协议可能要求包含的功能:隐式报文通信、显示报文通信 (Explicit 讯息通信)、支持UCMM 及Class3


Ethernet/IP 协议的从头实现比较复杂,但是也有相关的库可以调用。比如 python 的 pycomm3。


Here’s a basic example of how you might use it to communicate with an Ethernet/IP device: $ pip install pycomm3

#====== python通信代码:=========

from pycomm3 import LogixDriver

# Create a LogixDriver instance
with LogixDriver('') as plc:   # replace '' with the actual IP address of your device

    # Read tag values
    tag_values = plc.read('Tag1', 'Tag2')   # adjust the tag names and values as needed

    # Write tag values
    plc.write('Tag1', 100)

以下这段代码将: - 定义Ethernet/IP设备的IP地址和端口。 - 创建到设备的连接 - 打开一个到设备的会话 - 读取输入Tag的值并写入值到输出Tag - 最后,关闭会话和连接。

import pycomm3

# Create a connection to the device
conn = pycomm3.Connection("", 44818)  # Define the IP address and port of the Ethernet/IP device

# Open a session to the device
session = conn.open_session()

# Read the value of an input tag
tag_name = "Input1"
value = session.read_tag(tag_name)

# Write the value of an output tag
tag_name = "Output1"
value = 1
session.write_tag(tag_name, value)

# Close the session

# Close the connection


python implement for socket and TCP/IP

To implement a communication module with sockets via TCP/IP in Python, you can use the following steps:

  1. Import the socket module.
  2. Create a socket object.
  3. Bind the socket to a port.
  4. Listen for connections.
  5. Accept a connection.
  6. Receive data from the connection.
  7. Send data to the connection.
  8. Close the connection.

Here is an example of a Python code that implements a communication module with sockets via TCP/IP:

import socket

# Create a socket object
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind the socket to a IP and port
port = 8080
IP = ''
sock.bind((IP, port))

# Listen for connections

# Accept a connection
conn, addr = sock.accept()

# Receive data from the connection
data = conn.recv(1024)

# Send data to the connection
conn.sendall('Hello, world!'.encode())

# Close the connection

Reference: 基于python socket实现TCP/UDP通信

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