1. Load data and get to know the meta data
import pydicom
raw_medical_image = pydicom.read_file(file_path)
medical_image = raw_medical_image.pixel_array
plt.imshow(medical_image, cmap='gray') # cmap -- color map
2. Five steps of processing
2.1 Transforming to HU:
obtain the HU by using Rescale_Intercept and Rescale_Slope headers:
hu_image = image * medical_image.RescaleSlope + medical_image.RescaleIntercept
img_min = window_center - window_width // 2
img_max = window_center + window_width // 2
window_image = image.copy()
window_image[window_image < img_min] = img_min
window_image[window_image > img_max] = img_max
2.2 Removing Noises
segmentation = morphology.dilation(brain_image, np.ones((1, 1))) # 返回图像的灰度形态扩张, skimage
labels, label_nb = ndimage.label(segmentation) # labels: num of connectivities
# label_nb: 2darray with element labeled by integers
label_count = np.bincount(labels.ravel().astype(np.int))
label_count[0] = 0
mask = labels == label_count.argmax()
mask = morphology.dilation(mask, np.ones((1, 1)))
mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(mask)
mask = morphology.dilation(mask, np.ones((3, 3)))
masked_image = mask * brain_image
2.3 Tilt Correction,
Rotate the image, refer:
contours, hier =cv2.findContours (img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
mask=numpy.zeros(img.shape, numpy.uint8)
c = max(contours, key = cv2.contourArea) # find the biggest contour (c) by the area
(x,y),(MA,ma),angle = cv2.fitEllipse(c)
rmajor = max(MA,ma)/2
cv2.ellipse(img, ((x,y), (MA,ma), angle), color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2) # check fit result
if angle > 90:
angle -= 90
angle += 90
xtop = x + math.cos(math.radians(angle))*rmajor
ytop = y + math.sin(math.radians(angle))*rmajor
xbot = x + math.cos(math.radians(angle+180))*rmajor
ybot = y + math.sin(math.radians(angle+180))*rmajor
cv2.line(img, (int(xtop),int(ytop)), (int(xbot),int(ybot)), (0, 255, 0), 3)
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((x, y), angle-90, 1) #transformation matrix
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
2.4 Crop Images:
# create a mask with the background pixels
mask = image == 0
# Find the brain area
coords = np.array(np.nonzero(~mask))
top_left = np.min(coords, axis=1)
bottom_right = np.max(coords, axis=1)
# remove the background
croped_image = image[top_left[0]:bottom_right[0], top_left[1]:bottom_right[1]]
2.5 Padding:
紧接着Crop。找到图像上下左右沿并裁切出来图像区域以后,为图像扩充背景以满足原尺寸(e.g. 512*512)
Cropping and Padding 的联合使用可使图像居中。
def add_pad(image, new_height=512, new_width=512):
height, width = image.shape
final_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width))
pad_left = int((new_width - width) // 2)
pad_top = int((new_height - height) // 2)
# Replace the pixels with the image's pixels
final_image[pad_top:pad_top + height, pad_left:pad_left + width] = image
return final_image
def add_pad(image, new_height=512, new_width=512):
height, width = image.shape
final_image = np.zeros((new_height, new_width))
pad_left = int((new_width - width) // 2)
pad_top = int((new_height - height) // 2)
# Replace the pixels with the image's pixels
final_image[pad_top:pad_top + height, pad_left:pad_left + width] = image
return final_image